On Book Shopping


When I decided to get this going, I was on the fence about offering books in the store. But I very captivated by some of the books that I have for my baby, and even more curious to know what would be available for him when he gets older.

So I took some time and researched on children's titles and boy, was I hooked. There are just too many titles out there with an impeccable story line that blew me away. So many beautiful ways to teach children about morals and life. I was completely taken and I couldn't stop. 

I am one who happens to be extremely picky with the books that I get for my baby. Before purchasing a book, I would Google the bones out of it. Ooops. But hey- individual books may not cost a lot but a good number and variety of books is surely required for a child's curiosity to be satiated with their short attention span! While I understand that this is the way adults purchase books, by the cover, title and synopsis(we can't read the whole book then decide to purchase it, right?), I don't agree that we could use the same approach with buying children's books. I want to know what is in there, I need to know! Will my child like it? Is the content cohesive for a child? Is there a rhythm in the lines to capture my child's attention and help him remember words? I needed to get books that I am relatively confident that has a good lifespan from my baby's point of view because I didn't want to spend uneccessary money. Raising a child is exorbitant enough, I am sure all parents would agree!

And that is why I when I was taking pictures of the books that I had to offer for the store, I wanted to include as many pages as I can so that parents can have the best idea of the book. Having said that, I am in a constant battle with time (and lighting) so I try my best to show as many pages as I am able to. So please, if there is a book that you want to know more about, do let me know and I will do my best to show you more of the book. Because the last thing I wish is for anyone to purchase a book and end up having regrets! 

Thank you, again, for being patient and reading my first post in this blog. =)

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